Las Vegas, Nevada

The Remissionaries

Their mission is to make a positive impact on women fighting breast cancer by providing comfort during and after chemotherapy treatment.

"A pick-me-up when cancer brings you down"

The Remissionaries organization was founded by breast cancer survivor Christina Wu. An unexpected side effect of her breast cancer diagnosis was the outpouring of love and support, even from strangers. Christina received a gift basket of incredibly useful items she didn’t know she would need from a breast cancer survivor. The basket comforted her, let her know she was not alone and showed her how much people care. That basket inspired her to create Comfort Crates filled with items that have been beneficial during treatment and the difficult days when leaving the house is not an option. The mission is to help them get through this challenging time with a little comfort, show them that they have support when they need it, and give them hope that remission is possible.

Thoughtful Gifts for someone undergoing breast cancer treatment. 10 gift ideas for breast cancer treatment. breast cancer awareness support Thoughtful Gifts for someone undergoing breast cancer treatment. 10 gift ideas for breast cancer treatment. breast cancer awareness support
How you can help provide comfort to women fighting breast cancer during and after their chemo treatments with las vegas nonprofit organization The Remissionaries. Breast Cancer Awareness Month
comfort crates created by las vegas nonprofit organization, the remissionaries help provide comfort to women fighting breast cancer during and after chemotherapy treatment. breast cancer awareness month

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